Welcome to the National Black Governors Network (NBGN)
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Are you an NBGN member looking for networking and support for Black governors and trustees?
If you are interested in becoming a member of NBGN (which is free!) and would like to attend the networking events we host, please note that we organise 6 events each year. There is 1 event per term for each cohort - existing governors and prospective governors - and at least 1 joint event at the end of the academic year.
You can choose to join us for all, some or one. Each meeting is always slightly different based on who shows up - with new faces all the time, as well as our regular attendees - so it's always interesting, with open Q&A too. Please see a list of the planned dates below and reserve your spot to attend. Share the dates with your networks, tell a friend about NBGN so they can join us too!
Next event 24-25 coming soon
planned events 24-25 coming soon
Please note: Networking events for NBGN Members are FREE and open training events for all are subject to charges. All sessions start at 6.00 pm and run until 7.00 pm on the Zoom platform unless otherwise advised. Links will be sent, nearer the event date to those who register via GovernorHub.
About NBGN
The National Black Governors Network connects individuals in the governance space with each other (from prospective governors and trustees, to experienced governors); and provides diversity training to schools, trusts and organisations with respect to race and age in particular.
A message from the Founder coming soon.
Sharon Warmington
I have taken on a Parent Governor role at my son's primary school. I have found learning the role a challenge, with few people to ask for help, except the Chairperson. Since listening to your Podcasts I have learnt so much and I am only on session 8. I listen to you both as I walk my dog around the park. You are both so knowledgeable, speak so eloquently and make the understanding of being a governor so accessible. Thanks to you, for the first time tonight, I am going to a meeting prepared, with my papers and questions to ask all organised. Thanks for sharing your expertise and for helping me understand the role.
NBGN Member
Dear Sharon (Founder of NBGN)…..a massive thank you for leading our conference on Saturday. I really enjoyed it, and found you a very relaxing speaker to listen to! It was motivating and practical and offered solutions. I wish we had had more folk to join us, they really missed out, but I was pleased anyway. I felt it was absolutely the right agenda, and was pleased that our Black and Asian governors felt affirmed having you lead it…I love your style and the easy way that you present..You know exactly what you are talking about, and make it very accessible for everyone.
Diocesan Director of Education
Become a NBGN member
The National Black Governors Network connects individuals in the governance space with each other (from prospective governors and trustees, to experienced governors); and provides diversity training to schools, trusts and organisations with respect to race and age in particular.
What's included
Networking events for prospective school governors and academy trustees
3 sessions a year, one per term
Networking events for new and experienced school governors and academy trustees
3 sessions a year, one per term
For Schools, Trusts and organisations
Are you a school, academy trust or organisation looking for diversity training for your governing boards?
What's on offer
Diversity training sessions
More information coming soon
Consultations on how you can recruit and retain diverse governors
More information coming soon
Resources for all
"We help individuals connect with others to seek out a culture-add environment, rather than a culture-fit."
Our sponsors